Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Origin

The Pancake crab lives in the tide pools at Ferry Beach, Maine.
It eats pancakes with its fork and scissor claws.
It has the body of a pancake and maple syrup blood.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I've never seen this species before! That's awesome! Where else can Pancake Crabs be found???

Anonymous said...

Hi its michaela and kat! nice pancake crab!!!!!!! the picture is sweet!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I'm calling Mrs Butterworth!

Anonymous said...

This crab looks delicious! I was waffling a little on whether I thought I would like it, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it's the best tasting thing in the cabin!

(I hope you don't find this comment too syrupy-sweet!)

Anonymous said...

I love your pancake crab! its great!

Anonymous said...

JACOB!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! and your pancake crab.


ps the picture is great.

Anonymous said...

Can people eat pancake crabs? Do they taste like pancakes? I like how you updated the site!


Anonymous said...

WOW Jacob this is a great website. I think i'm gonna add it to my favorites. Keep updating it. What other species are related to the pancake crab other than crabs? Is it related to your favorite camp animal, lowbsteh?


Anonymous said...

wait, the pancake crab is cannibalistic?!?

- du Yetto

Anonymous said...

This in an M-azing species!! Love the pic!!! Jacob, this site is amazing!! I'm comin' on every day now!! You got me hooked on pancake crabs!!!


Anonymous said...

haha i love our math class!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So what do they eat if there aren't any pancakes?


Anonymous said...

OMG that's sweet in so many ways! I really want to see a pancake crab now. Great pics!!

Anonymous said...

who are you mysterious TB??????

Anonymous said...

i honor the mysterious TB, and shall not give away his/her secrets!

Anonymous said...

screw secrets! who is TB!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, mysterious secret-keeper. I honor you for honoring me.

Anonymous said...

so who first saw a pancake crab? isabella's right, it's an M-azing species!! I WANT TO EAT ONE!

~~TB's Secret-Keeper~~

Anonymous said...

TB is Taylor Bardsley

Anonymous said...

hey great picture way better than original yeah I was there!


Anonymous said...

Wait- mysterious TB! r u really taylor bardsly? TELL US! i luv how all the creatures are in the aquarium pic now!

Anonymous said...

hey jacob!!!! wow, i was so excited when i saw that there are other species along with the pancake crab too now! your site is sooooooooooo AWESOME! the pancake crab is still obviously the best but the turtle is pretty cute!

Anonymous said...

pancake crabs are officially my new favorite animal!!! i also like the turtle, and the eel, and the octopus! theyre all awesome! and i love how matt signed "du yetto"

p.s.i love how cool our class is...AND CORE 1 IS THE BEST CLASS

Anonymous said...

i sign "da yetto" not "du yetto"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we are amazing! and no matt u signed 'du yetto' on at least 1 comment!

Anonymous said...

yeah, he signed it "du yetto" in one of the comments, sorry michaela YOURE WRONG!!!

Anonymous said... was his "wait, the pancake crab is cannibalistic?!?" comment.


Anonymous said...

Jeez! am i not aloud a typo every once in a while...

-da yetto

Anonymous said...

May I point out the typo in your last comment "da/du yetto", or would that be mean? :D And no I will not say who I am but please spell Taylor Bardsley's name right.
PS. Oh come on, I'm being really obvious!! Jeez...
PS again: I will never give you a straight answer Kacey.

Anonymous said...


some cool girl.

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH! why does every do the "anonymous" one! Ok, if you do "other" put your name where it says name (who would have guessed?), and... VALA, you now have a name.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob, i hadnt been on your site in a while and i didn't know you had discovered so many creatures! You are defanetly going to be a scientist as you grow up.

your friend whos name starts with a D :)

Anonymous said...

Who r u mystery D?

Some currently unknown person

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! this is the funniest and best website ever!!!


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

who r u wordz?

Currently unknown person

Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone, visit my website!

Anonymous said...

um, an extremeley cool person. duh


Anonymous said...

who made the "" website?

Anonymous said...

i did


Anonymous said...

what the heck?? wordz is SO my sign-off!!!


Anonymous said...

AHH! What is up with all the mysterious sign offing! You know what? From now on, I will be know as......Vivi! So mwah ha ha!


Anonymous said...

I'm so lame, but i thought it was hilarios when Matt wrote 'aloud' instead of 'allowed'! To answer your question, yes, You are allowed one. And that was it!


Anonymous said...

who are you mysterious ~vivi~?


Anonymous said...

Does it really matter who says what? if they dint want you to know, they dont have to say

P.S. i said aloud instead of allowed on perpose

-da yetto

Anonymous said...

^Of course you did Matt.


ps. Where is everybody??

Anonymous said...

idk...people aren't commenting as often any more


Anonymous said...

What's with all the mysterious names?'re weird.

Anonymous said...

i like being weird
it wouldn't be me if I wasn't weird.
Actualy, all of you are the "weird" ones, and i am the only non weirdo.
(that means the weird is normal, making me the only not normal person, ending in the same result as just saying thet i'm weird, which is a heck of a lot easyer to say)

If you have no idea of what i just said, talk to me at school

Anonymous said...

^It made sense. Kinda. Seriously where is everyone?? It looks as if the pancake crab is dying....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its been over a week since anyone commented. I think the pancake crab is extinct.


Anonymous said...

most definately

Anonymous said...

um, one has commented (besides me) since january. i think we can officially say the pancake crab is dead. random point of interest: the comment thing now has a spell check on it. so, um, yeah...


Anonymous said...

^It does? I can't see it. But yeah, poor pancake crab. It's definitely extinct.:(


Anonymous said...

Happy April to everyone who isn't actually looking at this site anymore (except for maybe me and vivi). I think we can officailly call the pancake crab extinct.

ps. the spellcheck was here in feb, but now it's gone. hm...

Anonymous said...

This is Jacob better known as JD (to go along with this old but new name system). For your information the Pancake crab is not extinct. He is just in hibernation over the winter. They will reawaken sometime in April. It would be nice if we used our names instead of fake ones.